Monday, February 21, 2011

9/11 Truth

By now everyone is familiar with the government story of what happened on 9/11, but there are a growing number of people out there that feel what the government told was total bullshit. Having been around for awhile, I will be the first one to tell you our government lies to the American people on a regular basis, by their own admission.

We have even had presidents come right out and tell a lie on national television.

I chose to use George H W Bush because many people will remember this lie.

Now, lets look at the greatest lie ever told by our government. A lie that was heard around the world and led to the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan as well as The War on Terror. The war on terror unfortunately can NEVER be won. It is a war on a ideology, but it was created to be an ever sustaining war. Our government has done this before - The War on Drugs, The War on Poverty. These wars will continue to go on (although I think our government has given up on the latter).

We were told that on 9/11 Al Qaeda operatives had taken over 4 commercial flights with box cutters and flew 2 of the planes into the World Trade Center.
One plane was flown into the pentagon.

And one was flown into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

I used the actual crash photo for Shanksville, PA. because that will be what I will talk about first. Notice in the photo there is little or no debris at all that would indicate a plane crash. According to eye witness accounts the plane was shot down. Now many of you out there have seen footage on the news of an actual plane crash. There are bodies, seats, and parts of the plane strewn about.

Notice is the Shanksville photo there is nothing to indicate a plane crash. No seats, no wings no nothing. Just a burned out crater. Eyewitnesses stated that they had heard an explosion prior to the plane hitting the ground. You have to ask "Why wasn't this testimony included in the official 9/11 investigation findings?" The answer is simple, it doesn't fit the government's story of a hijacking.

Then you have the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon. This plane, according to pilots, must have been flown by experts because of the obstacles it's flight path took it through. Hardly a feat done by pilots with NO commercial flight experience. Supposedly this plane was travelling at 500mph only 15 feet off the ground. One would think that a jet engine putting out that much power would have devastated the ground leading to the pentagon. Yet, the lawn in front of the crash site seemed unharmed.

Notice, once again, the lack of debris. This was even reported by CNN's reporter. The reporter changed his story 5 days later and said he was talking about what witnesses said they saw at the site. I will post the video so that you can listen and decide for yourself what he said. Then you have the most obvious oddities, the lack of video footage. Keep in mind this is the pentagon - headquarters for the United State's Department of Defense. There are literally 100's of video feeds on the building, but the government could only show the public 5 frames from 1 camera. Unfortunately the 5 frames show nothing definitive. It shows in 1 frame an out of focus object that appears to be white. I am not going to speculate on what it is, just what it isn't.

Let's move on to the twin towers. Now there have been hundreds of reports of explosions in the towers before they fell, after the plane crashed. Some people would say that most likely it was fumes from jet fuel or jet fuel itself. I would like to believe that but these reports state that the explosions were at or below ground level. Even reporters stated that they thought the explosions were bombs. You decide.

Then the whole bullshit story we were told about Building 7. That because of fire damage (which was only on one floor and not out of control) and debris damage (which was described as minimal) from the other building's collapse, this building fell the exact same way as the other two buildings, straight down at free fall speed. Now, I am sure there are government story Kool Ade drinkers out there that believe everything their government tells them, but when you see the footage from the BBC (which was broadcast BEFORE the building fell, stating that it already had fallen) and hear the building's owner in his own words, you have to have some doubt.

Then you have the evidence. The government wants us to believe that the fuel in the planes burned so hot that it melted the steel support structures starting a pancake collapse, but they managed to find one of the hijacker's passports in the rubble, virtually unharmed.

Lets talk about the aftermath. Bush ordered a third party non-biased commission to investigate these attacks. Yet he handpicked the appointees. Hardly sounds non-biased. When this commission called upon Bush and Cheney to testify they agreed only if they could appear together and if NONE of their testimony was recorded in anyway. Sounds like something a liar would do. If Bush truly had nothing to hide and was honestly wanting the truth he would have appeared in front of the cameras during his testimony. (Say what you will about Bill, at least he testified in front of the camera) Alot of the eye-witness testimony was excluded from the final conclusion of the report. This was done because the testimonies did not fit the government's official story.

I am not going to say it was the Israelis or Muslim extremists, nor our own government. What I am saying is that the truth was not told to the American people and it is not fair to the victims or their families that we do not know the truth of what happened that day. Obama made promises to hold people accountable and like Bush he forgot that when he took the oath of office. Bush promised to get the people responsible, supposedly Al Qaeda. He forgot about them and went after Saddam because of another lie (WMD's) that has been exposed recently. It kinda makes you wonder if the whole thing was made up to justify going to war with Iraq.   If you remember Condoleeza Rice said that the government had information connecting Al Qaeda to the attacks on 9/11 and would reveal them at a later date. I guess that day never came.

I have only scratched the surface on the lies we were told about 9/11. We have yet to hear the truth. We have heard only propaganda from the media. They try to label ANYONE who doubts the bullshit the government has told us as "crazy". This tactic is used constantly by FOX News, who reports opinion as "news". We seen CNN tell the truth then retract it only to tell a lie. We've watched our congress rush and pass the Patriot Act, which took our liberties and freedom, without reading a single page. We've watched the same congress volunteer our sons and daughters to go fight in their War, without sending their own children.

What I HATE is how the government is so nonchalant about the deaths that have occurred because of their lies. Why should Americans make sacrifices for their lies.  This is just another issue that should be raised when it comes time to vote. Election time is when the people should take action against these high paid liars. We've seen enough of the bullshit. We need to vote them all out. Democrats and Republicans, they both lied to us about 9/11.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Hope and Change NIGHTMARE

Its almost time to start thinking about who we are going vote for, the Republicans or the Democrats, the Liberals or the Conservatives, the Good Guys or the Bad Guys. Truth be told, they are all the same.

Lets take a look at the current President - Barrack Hussein Obama. He won the Democrats nomination after a hard fought battle against front runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. He was slick. His campaign had all the bells and whistles. You couldn't turn on the television without seeing him giving a campaign speech somewhere. He was in Europe, he was in Asia, and he campaigned in Mexico. It was as if he was running for President of the World. Was he?

He was promising Hope and Change. The world bought it hook, line and sinker. Black people cried when he won the election. They felt that this was the ultimate proof that they could make it in America. Prior to this many black people felt that they could not make it, racism would prevent them from their dreams. Obama broke through though. He was an inspiration for everyone. He played the part so well. He had the world convinced that he would bring hope and change.

Here we are, with a $3,000,000,000,000 deficit, an ongoing and ever escalating war in the Middle East, the TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) abusing innocent American citizens while illegals are being set free and rewarded with work permits, the Bush era wiretaps are being continued by Obama. It seems like Obama may have meant that we should Hope For Change when he was elected. From the looks of it the only thing that has changed is the amount of the deficit.

All the promises that he made during his campaign like promising that there would be no more bills signed before we knew what was in them. I believe he said that Americans would be able to view a bill for 5 days before he signed it. Remember that? Here's a video :

Or how about when he promised to end the wars and bring the troops home?
I guess the "You can take that to the bank" comment was a poor choice of words. Sounds like he took it to the bank alright and it bounced like a basketball. After preaching to everyone that he was going to change things. He said he was different. That is why he was elected. People were sick of Republicans. They watched as Bush thumbed his nose at the what Americans wanted and did as he pleased. Then we get Obama and he turns around and continues the same Bush policies.

Then we have the crown jewel, his gift to the poor, Obama Care. This was a good idea until he got congress involved in it. See alot of people remember Hillary's health care plan, that was ultimately defeated, when Bill was President. Her plan, like Obama's and the libtards, favored the insurance companies not the people. All Americans agreed that we need health care reform. What we got was a sweetheart deal for the insurance companies and fines for the poor people that do not qualify for free health care and cannot afford private insurance. These people would get a fine from the government. As if Americans could afford it, but Pelosi said they needed to pass it so we could find out what was in it.

And they did, which went against Obama's promise (see video above). Now we are paying into a system that we will not get benefit from till 2014. Thank GOD we have states that are challenging the constitutionality of it.

Yet, we still have the Kool Ade drinkers. People that think Obama is the messiah. He can do no wrong, because he is the savior. These are the hard-line liberals that play the race card on a daily basis against anyone who is critical of Obama. They feel that if you don't like Obama it's because you must be racist. It's because he's black. It never occurred to them that it is because Obama is a liar, he is Bush with a tan and a fade.

The truth of Obama's term is that it has been successful for Wall Street and Big Banks. As far as for Americans, it has been an utter failure. Now he has had some help in failing, Pelosi, Reid and the democrat controlled House of Representatives and Senate. They inherited a trillion dollar deficit from Bush and in a matter of several months, they managed to triple it. What do we have to show for this deficit AMERICANS HAVE TO pay back? Some more TSA Nazis? Bigger Banks? Can't forget the tax break they gave themselves (base pay plus any speaking endorsements puts them over $200,000 a year). Meanwhile, AMERICANS cannot find work due to the millions of illegals flooding the job market, with thousands more crossing the border daily. China owns our debt and they could easily crush our economy. All they have to do is call in the debt.

What you have to do is ask yourself this : Are you better off now than you were 5 years ago? 10 years? 20 years? Chances are you are not. We have been lied to by Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the libtards. This does not mean that the Republicans are in the clear though. Remember they had control at one time too. (Remember when we couldn't get a raise in minimum wage, yet they gave themselves 4 raises during their reign)

I have come to the realization that Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives, they are all the same. They accept so much money from the globalists and lobbyists that when they take office, they spend their entire terms working for the very same people. Americans, the people that elected them, get pushed to the way side. We are unimportant to them, unless it is an election year. Then they want to do something for the "little" people. Worst part is whatever they "do" for us, WE have to pay for. Essentially, they are doing NOTHING for us. We watched Bush give tax breaks and incentives to his oil baron buddies and rich donors. While Obama give money to his Wall St. cronies and big banks. If you look at Obama's and Bush's donors, you will see why priority was given to these corporations.

The last 2 presidents seem to forget they work for the PEOPLE. Both Bush and Obama act as if Americans are supposed to work for them. We are not slaves. We ARE the people. The government is supposed to work for US. This is why it is crucial that people vote ALL republicans and democrats out of office. We need some REAL change, not broke promises of change. When candidates refuse to work for the globalists they are lied about in the media. (Ron Paul suggested this past fall that the people should vote out anyone who has been office (Republicans and Democrats) for more than 4 years, because they created the problem).

I would not be surprised if you see Ron Paul running as a Libertarian after this incident. We need third party candidates anyways. The Republicans and Democrats need a reminder of who is in control of America. It always has been, and always will be THE PEOPLE. Research the third parties. Constitutionalists, Green Party, Libertarians, Communist, Socialist any of them would be the HOPE and CHANGE we deserve instead of the nightmare we have now.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Controversy loves company (Libtards and Illegals)

Well here we are 2011. The democrats suffered record breaking losses in the past election but retain the White House. Lets look at one of the reasons for those losses.

Immigration Reform

I wont insult any one's intelligence by going over 8th grade American history. Instead, I would like to jump right into it and start with Ellis Island.
Legal Immigrants at Ellis Island

Years ago we operated our Immigration and Customs from Ellis Island. People from around the world, wanting a better life for the families, braved war, economic ruin, racism, communism, famine, religious prosecution (to name a few) just for a chance of becoming an American Citizen. It was the ultimate goal of all immigrants to America at the time - Become a naturalized citizen, become American.

America was a powerhouse at the time. We had the money, we had the science, we had the resources, we had the freedom, we had the liberties that other countries envied. This was the place to be. America was like the hottest nightclub on a Friday night. People were lined up around the block to get in, and we had the room to accommodate those people.

Legal Immigrants being screened for
commutable diseases.
When people arrived at Ellis Island they were checked out medically for any third world diseases or commutable germs. This was to ensure we did not release a plague upon the citizens already here. They would check criminal backgrounds (we didn't want murderers and rapists roaming the countryside looking for victims). We also inquired to any skills these immigrants possessed.(The government wanted to hawk out the best and brightest for themselves, before releasing the rest of them into the American Workforce) They also wanted to make sure we didn't flood the job market with huge numbers of a single trade or skill level.

The immigrants were grateful for the chance. They may have complained about the wait, but that was due to their eagerness to become an American. These people were brave to leave everything they know to come here and start over but they did it because they wanted to become Americans. It was a status they strived to achieve. They were taught our language, our history and about our culture (which was a "melting pot" of different cultures), and the immigrants worked hard and assimilated into society. Some people took longer to assimilate than others but everyone tried, and most of them succeeded. The immigrants of those days would tell you that their proudest moment was the day of their naturalization. To say that pledge of allegiance, to pass the written test covering various American topics, to finally become an American.

Now, lets fast forward back to the present. We have the same antiquated immigration policy, but something has changed. Sure, we still have people waiting to come here to become American citizens, but at 1 million allowed in each year the line has become unbearable. This is the current situation.

We have a huge population of people that, rather than coming here legally, say "I dont need their permission, Americans stole from us." These people cannot be compared to the immigrants of America's past. Their attitude is completely different. They are taught in mexican schools that America stole their land, and Americans are taught the Spanish American War. They come here feeling they are owed something, and they will take it by force. Libtards want you to believe that all illegal immigrants come here for a chance at a better life. This is not so, as I will point out. We also get those who come here as "migrant" workers. These are people that realized that they can make ALOT more money in a few months working in America compared to working an entire year in theirs. Alot of these migrant have been manipulated by political activists, global elitist and libtards to stay rather than to migrate back to their country after the work ends. They even go as far as showing them how to get food stamps and other resources that are intended for American citizens.

Lets talk about illegal immigrants. Some of these people are believers of the racist myth of Aztlan (Aztlan - a myth that Mexicans and Latin Americans own the Southwest US including California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Utah) and believe that immigration laws of the "whites" don't apply to them. Some of them are just plain racists and hate whites and blacks. These are the very same people you see at Pro-Amnesty rallies burning American flags, holding signs that say "Whites get out, this is our land", yelling slogans like "Whites go back to Europe". They usually are found to be political operatives that have been trained by the Mexican government and libtards on how to organize marches and other political activities.

Typical sign at Amnesty Rally
These people are dangerous. Their hatred of America and whites has led to numerous attacks on white people. These people are terrorists by definition.  Yet, liberals help them and consider anyone who is against illegal immigration to be a racist. Libtards in our government have changed laws in order to protect these mexican terrorists. Neo-Nazi Napolitano and her TSA terror troops grope and molest innocent Americans on a daily basis. Yet, the liberals and their messiah B.Hussein Osama (I'm not a fan) have decided that the government needs to punish anyone that tries to detain, arrest, or even talk to illegals, in fear that these criminals (that is what they became when they crossed the border without coming through immigration) civil rights might be violated. (Americans are treated as terrorists and illegals are treated like an endangered species that needs to be "protected").These "illegals" and their libtard handlers do the very same thing to anyone who  opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants. They want the freedom to march in the streets waving Mexico's flag and demand citizenship (amnesty), but when the opposition holds a march/rally they line the streets to insult, assault, attack the very same people they want to give them amnesty, and dont understand why their demands are not being met. What I dont understand is, if these people have the courage and anger to march in American streets demanding that we change our laws so that they can become citizens, why dont they stay in their own countries and do the same? After years of asking liberals and hispanic citizens (legal immigrants), I have come to the conclusion that these people are lazy. They left their own country because America gives them all the stuff they need to survive, for free even if they are here illegally. They get jobs, food, clothes, shelter and medical care, it is the American taxpayers that have to pay for it. If illegals had stayed in their own country their own problems could not be solved with a march. In order to fix the problems in their home country, they would have to work, and the solution would take several years to come by. (Our founding fathers sacraficed their lives to provide future generations with a balanced government, this is a sacrafice illegals are not willing to make) Illegals took the path of least resistance and thanks to all the help the libtards provided them (legal, governmental) they were able to obtain services that Americans need now more than ever, but cannot because the illegals have filled all the rolls to capacity. In the area I live in (the South) many families are in need of heating assistance, HUD/low income housing but these resources have been used up by illegal immigrants. These same illegals work for cash, so employers dont have to report they have illegals working for them, and when they get their money they send it back to Mexico and Latin America. The largest import in Mexico is U.S dollars, something to the tune of $25 Billion a year. This is why Mexico's government is so critical of our immigration laws. Mexico's president is so desperate to get America's resources for his own greedy ambitions, that he made this statement "Where there is a mexican, there is Mexico". In other words America is part of Mexico. Our libtard government (Pelosi, Reid and the Osama administration) refuses to make a stand against Mexico and their exporting of their citizens for financial gain because it gets them closer to their goals. (We will cover that later on) Our head of the Department of Homeland Security, rather than helping to secure the border and protect our citizens, has posted signs within 50 miles of the border on the US side, telling US citizens to stay out. Rather than putting National Guard troops along the border (a job they are supposed to do - guard our nation) Osama and the previous administration shipped them out to the middle east.

Citizens on Patrol
Fed up Americans, sick of illegal immigrant coddling by libtards and our government, began to organize groups to patrol the border. These groups were not armed nor paramilitary. Just ordinary citizens with binoculars, two-way radios, and cell phones watching the border for illegals sneaking across and phoning the Border Patrol agents to notify them of the illegal crossing. This kind of action should have been commended. It is citizens taking the initiative to help our country and protect our citizens from these criminal illegals that smuggle drugs in by the tons. Of course the libtard media, along with libtards in congress and libtards in the southwest (CA,AZ,NM,NV) decided that these patrols were unfair to illegals. So through political wrangling and backdoor politics, these groups (known as the Minutemen) were labled racists by the spinsters in the media and libtards made new rules regarding minutemen and border patrol. The libtards in congress require that the U.S. border patrol tells the mexican government where the minutemen are patrolling so that the illegals can plot a course free from capture.( Then you have the case of Ramos and Compean ( who shot an illegal in the butt only after being attacked by the drug smuggling illegal (the van the illegal was driving was found with 800 pounds of marijuana in it. These brave men, who defended the border in a text-book fashion were not given medals (although they should have been), they were put on trial and convicted (an action that was done by libtard judges/district attorneys to save face with the Mexican government that demanded punishment of the 2 heroes) of not protecting the illegal's rights and failure to report discharge of a weapon. This is why America is being flooded by waves of illegals. The illegals see that even the border patrol is helpless against them and that Mexico's government (and libtards) will protect them even if they break the law in America.

This is what illegals leave in their
wake after crossing the border.

Now these libtards love to play the race card. They feel that labeling people racist for opposing illegal immigration will some how win them more support, this is the same tactic they use against those who disagree with Osama's policies. Now studies have shown that American cannot support the 12-20 million illegals that refuse to leave. What I mean by support is housing (most receive HUD or low income housing), education (schools that take in illegals have to obtain bi-lingual teachers because the illegals don't speak English), health care (most illegals use the emergency room as Americans do a doctor's office and refuse to pay the bill. This forces hospitals to raise the rates on paying customers to offset the costs), welfare (most receive food stamps and free health care thanks to libtards in congress), culturally (most illegals refuse to respect/honor our diverse culture and companies/businesses/government agencies are forced to conduct business in Spanish (I say Spanish because the majority of illegals are Spanish speaking)), and of course our law enforcement (many of these illegals crime spree starts with crossing the border it never ends. 1/3 of ALL federal prison inmates are illegals). Illegals have no respect for any other race's culture, history, language or laws. This is shown by their refusal to assimilate into American society. Then you have the environmental impact of illegals crossing the border. Ranchers along the border have photographed the devastation on the ecosystems along the border where illegals cross into the country. Ranchers have also reported that along with the trash that is being left behind, illegals are killing their livestock and stealing tools from the ranchers barns and out buildings.

Lets talk about the law enforcement for a moment. Thanks to the libtards in the White House and Congress, America at this time employs a "catch and release" program when it comes to criminal illegals. The policy set forth by the Osama administration is that when cops catch an illegal, they are NOT allowed to ask them of their immigration status. This leads to illegals being released back onto the streets to commit more crimes. Some of the crimes committed by these illegals are drive without licenses, DUI's (THOUSANDS of Americans have been killed by drunk driving illegals each year), murder, rape, kidnappingrobbery and ALL illegals commit identity theft. When they are caught, libtard judges release them pending a court date (95% never show for the court date), and they have multiple offenses racked up when they finally are caught. It is not uncommon for illegals to have 7 or 8 DUI's before finally being held for trial. Unfortunately, this is too late because the crime that finally catches up with them is DUI and manslaughter for driving drunk and hitting and killing an INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZEN.

Now Americans have tried to rally support to get legislation passed to enforce our immigration laws. When they arrive to rally, illegals and libtards alike stalk their route to hurl racial slurs, threats of violence and even rocks and bottles. Illegals and their libtard handlers have even attacked peaceful protesters. This is in complete contradiction to the way they are treated. The illegals and libtards feel that anyone who opposes amnesty for illegals is a racist, regardless of their race. You Tube has become a popular place to find hundreds of videos showing how illegals and libtards try to violate the civil rights of Americans.

A North American Union, it's not just for conspiracy theorists anymore. This is the ultimate goal of illegals and Democrats/Republicans/libtards/RINO's (the globalists), remove the borders of the United States, re-write a new constitution for their Union that takes away those pesky rights that they feel only they deserve. Now when I first heard of this 10 years ago (when Bush started pursuing it), I thought it was a nutty conspiracy theory. As, the years have passed and information has been made available this is no longer a theory. This is their goal. The libtards way of uniting the world under one global government. This is bad in so many ways that I cannot go over them all, so I will be brief. This would be a huge improvement for Mexico, who seems to have a revolution every 50 years. The Mexican government has become so corrupt that most of their citizens are fleeing. Under their current government, only the rich have the power in government. The bad part for the citizens is that there are only a small number of rich people . This is what the liberals want installed here, in America. They want a ruling class of the rich and everyone else. There is no middle class in Mexico and this is what Osama, Pelosi and Reid are trying to do here. Eliminate the middle class. Once the middle class is forced into poverty, they can claim that the only way to save the United States is to form a Union with Mexico and Canada. (This has already been completed in Europe as the EU, Africa - African Union)

Lastly we have the people that are waiting to come here legally. These are the people that want to become Americans. They are not looking for a handout or a way to steal from America. They don't feel that America "owes" them anything. They want to do what it takes to become a citizen. Illegals feel that those people should have to wait, that they should be given amnesty first. What kind of message would that send to those who want to become an American Citizen? If we grant amnesty, in ANY form to the illegals (12-20 Million) that are currently "squatting" in America, that would only perpetuate the illegal immigration problem. (Reagan granted amnesty in the 80's in hopes that it would end illegal immigration.) Boy, was he ever wrong. The result was the complete opposite. Once word got back to Latin America and Mexico that you can cross the southern border illegally and become a citizen without the work of going through customs, our illegal population grew exponentially for the next 20 years.

What we need to do is to pass immigration reform. The system worked 50 years ago but needs to be updated. E-Verify(a system that is used by employers to check employees immigration status) is currently on it's way to becoming mandatory for all employers (thanks to the efforts of the Republicans). The 14th Amendment (Amendment written to make the children of slaves born in this country, automatically American citizens) needs to be done away with. Illegals have exploited this law. Illegals sneak into our country pregnant in the hopes that when they have a child, it is automatically a American citizen and at the age of 18 can sponsor it's parents for citizenship (Americans are the ones that ultimately pay for the child birth, because illegals refuse to pay). Harsher punishment for identity theft, along with swifter apprehension and prosecution (Illegals steal social security numbers from Americans and destroy American's credit in the process - The most common group that illegals target is always American children because it is years before the crime is even noticed), Prosecution and punishment of anyone who aids an illegal. (Aids meaning : house, educate, medical, employment, transportation, feeding, clothing etc.) Those who choose to come here legally can avoid prosecution by returning to their country of origin and getting in line behind those who have been waiting. In turn they should also be assessed a $10,000 fine on top of the current administrative costs associated with legally immigrating to the United States of America. No American that opposes Amnesty for illegals, is against immigration. We oppose ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.