Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Hope and Change NIGHTMARE

Its almost time to start thinking about who we are going vote for, the Republicans or the Democrats, the Liberals or the Conservatives, the Good Guys or the Bad Guys. Truth be told, they are all the same.

Lets take a look at the current President - Barrack Hussein Obama. He won the Democrats nomination after a hard fought battle against front runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. He was slick. His campaign had all the bells and whistles. You couldn't turn on the television without seeing him giving a campaign speech somewhere. He was in Europe, he was in Asia, and he campaigned in Mexico. It was as if he was running for President of the World. Was he?

He was promising Hope and Change. The world bought it hook, line and sinker. Black people cried when he won the election. They felt that this was the ultimate proof that they could make it in America. Prior to this many black people felt that they could not make it, racism would prevent them from their dreams. Obama broke through though. He was an inspiration for everyone. He played the part so well. He had the world convinced that he would bring hope and change.

Here we are, with a $3,000,000,000,000 deficit, an ongoing and ever escalating war in the Middle East, the TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) abusing innocent American citizens while illegals are being set free and rewarded with work permits, the Bush era wiretaps are being continued by Obama. It seems like Obama may have meant that we should Hope For Change when he was elected. From the looks of it the only thing that has changed is the amount of the deficit.

All the promises that he made during his campaign like promising that there would be no more bills signed before we knew what was in them. I believe he said that Americans would be able to view a bill for 5 days before he signed it. Remember that? Here's a video :

Or how about when he promised to end the wars and bring the troops home?
I guess the "You can take that to the bank" comment was a poor choice of words. Sounds like he took it to the bank alright and it bounced like a basketball. After preaching to everyone that he was going to change things. He said he was different. That is why he was elected. People were sick of Republicans. They watched as Bush thumbed his nose at the what Americans wanted and did as he pleased. Then we get Obama and he turns around and continues the same Bush policies.

Then we have the crown jewel, his gift to the poor, Obama Care. This was a good idea until he got congress involved in it. See alot of people remember Hillary's health care plan, that was ultimately defeated, when Bill was President. Her plan, like Obama's and the libtards, favored the insurance companies not the people. All Americans agreed that we need health care reform. What we got was a sweetheart deal for the insurance companies and fines for the poor people that do not qualify for free health care and cannot afford private insurance. These people would get a fine from the government. As if Americans could afford it, but Pelosi said they needed to pass it so we could find out what was in it.

And they did, which went against Obama's promise (see video above). Now we are paying into a system that we will not get benefit from till 2014. Thank GOD we have states that are challenging the constitutionality of it.

Yet, we still have the Kool Ade drinkers. People that think Obama is the messiah. He can do no wrong, because he is the savior. These are the hard-line liberals that play the race card on a daily basis against anyone who is critical of Obama. They feel that if you don't like Obama it's because you must be racist. It's because he's black. It never occurred to them that it is because Obama is a liar, he is Bush with a tan and a fade.

The truth of Obama's term is that it has been successful for Wall Street and Big Banks. As far as for Americans, it has been an utter failure. Now he has had some help in failing, Pelosi, Reid and the democrat controlled House of Representatives and Senate. They inherited a trillion dollar deficit from Bush and in a matter of several months, they managed to triple it. What do we have to show for this deficit AMERICANS HAVE TO pay back? Some more TSA Nazis? Bigger Banks? Can't forget the tax break they gave themselves (base pay plus any speaking endorsements puts them over $200,000 a year). Meanwhile, AMERICANS cannot find work due to the millions of illegals flooding the job market, with thousands more crossing the border daily. China owns our debt and they could easily crush our economy. All they have to do is call in the debt.

What you have to do is ask yourself this : Are you better off now than you were 5 years ago? 10 years? 20 years? Chances are you are not. We have been lied to by Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the libtards. This does not mean that the Republicans are in the clear though. Remember they had control at one time too. (Remember when we couldn't get a raise in minimum wage, yet they gave themselves 4 raises during their reign)

I have come to the realization that Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives, they are all the same. They accept so much money from the globalists and lobbyists that when they take office, they spend their entire terms working for the very same people. Americans, the people that elected them, get pushed to the way side. We are unimportant to them, unless it is an election year. Then they want to do something for the "little" people. Worst part is whatever they "do" for us, WE have to pay for. Essentially, they are doing NOTHING for us. We watched Bush give tax breaks and incentives to his oil baron buddies and rich donors. While Obama give money to his Wall St. cronies and big banks. If you look at Obama's and Bush's donors, you will see why priority was given to these corporations.

The last 2 presidents seem to forget they work for the PEOPLE. Both Bush and Obama act as if Americans are supposed to work for them. We are not slaves. We ARE the people. The government is supposed to work for US. This is why it is crucial that people vote ALL republicans and democrats out of office. We need some REAL change, not broke promises of change. When candidates refuse to work for the globalists they are lied about in the media. (Ron Paul suggested this past fall that the people should vote out anyone who has been office (Republicans and Democrats) for more than 4 years, because they created the problem).

I would not be surprised if you see Ron Paul running as a Libertarian after this incident. We need third party candidates anyways. The Republicans and Democrats need a reminder of who is in control of America. It always has been, and always will be THE PEOPLE. Research the third parties. Constitutionalists, Green Party, Libertarians, Communist, Socialist any of them would be the HOPE and CHANGE we deserve instead of the nightmare we have now.

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