Monday, February 21, 2011

9/11 Truth

By now everyone is familiar with the government story of what happened on 9/11, but there are a growing number of people out there that feel what the government told was total bullshit. Having been around for awhile, I will be the first one to tell you our government lies to the American people on a regular basis, by their own admission.

We have even had presidents come right out and tell a lie on national television.

I chose to use George H W Bush because many people will remember this lie.

Now, lets look at the greatest lie ever told by our government. A lie that was heard around the world and led to the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan as well as The War on Terror. The war on terror unfortunately can NEVER be won. It is a war on a ideology, but it was created to be an ever sustaining war. Our government has done this before - The War on Drugs, The War on Poverty. These wars will continue to go on (although I think our government has given up on the latter).

We were told that on 9/11 Al Qaeda operatives had taken over 4 commercial flights with box cutters and flew 2 of the planes into the World Trade Center.
One plane was flown into the pentagon.

And one was flown into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

I used the actual crash photo for Shanksville, PA. because that will be what I will talk about first. Notice in the photo there is little or no debris at all that would indicate a plane crash. According to eye witness accounts the plane was shot down. Now many of you out there have seen footage on the news of an actual plane crash. There are bodies, seats, and parts of the plane strewn about.

Notice is the Shanksville photo there is nothing to indicate a plane crash. No seats, no wings no nothing. Just a burned out crater. Eyewitnesses stated that they had heard an explosion prior to the plane hitting the ground. You have to ask "Why wasn't this testimony included in the official 9/11 investigation findings?" The answer is simple, it doesn't fit the government's story of a hijacking.

Then you have the plane that supposedly hit the pentagon. This plane, according to pilots, must have been flown by experts because of the obstacles it's flight path took it through. Hardly a feat done by pilots with NO commercial flight experience. Supposedly this plane was travelling at 500mph only 15 feet off the ground. One would think that a jet engine putting out that much power would have devastated the ground leading to the pentagon. Yet, the lawn in front of the crash site seemed unharmed.

Notice, once again, the lack of debris. This was even reported by CNN's reporter. The reporter changed his story 5 days later and said he was talking about what witnesses said they saw at the site. I will post the video so that you can listen and decide for yourself what he said. Then you have the most obvious oddities, the lack of video footage. Keep in mind this is the pentagon - headquarters for the United State's Department of Defense. There are literally 100's of video feeds on the building, but the government could only show the public 5 frames from 1 camera. Unfortunately the 5 frames show nothing definitive. It shows in 1 frame an out of focus object that appears to be white. I am not going to speculate on what it is, just what it isn't.

Let's move on to the twin towers. Now there have been hundreds of reports of explosions in the towers before they fell, after the plane crashed. Some people would say that most likely it was fumes from jet fuel or jet fuel itself. I would like to believe that but these reports state that the explosions were at or below ground level. Even reporters stated that they thought the explosions were bombs. You decide.

Then the whole bullshit story we were told about Building 7. That because of fire damage (which was only on one floor and not out of control) and debris damage (which was described as minimal) from the other building's collapse, this building fell the exact same way as the other two buildings, straight down at free fall speed. Now, I am sure there are government story Kool Ade drinkers out there that believe everything their government tells them, but when you see the footage from the BBC (which was broadcast BEFORE the building fell, stating that it already had fallen) and hear the building's owner in his own words, you have to have some doubt.

Then you have the evidence. The government wants us to believe that the fuel in the planes burned so hot that it melted the steel support structures starting a pancake collapse, but they managed to find one of the hijacker's passports in the rubble, virtually unharmed.

Lets talk about the aftermath. Bush ordered a third party non-biased commission to investigate these attacks. Yet he handpicked the appointees. Hardly sounds non-biased. When this commission called upon Bush and Cheney to testify they agreed only if they could appear together and if NONE of their testimony was recorded in anyway. Sounds like something a liar would do. If Bush truly had nothing to hide and was honestly wanting the truth he would have appeared in front of the cameras during his testimony. (Say what you will about Bill, at least he testified in front of the camera) Alot of the eye-witness testimony was excluded from the final conclusion of the report. This was done because the testimonies did not fit the government's official story.

I am not going to say it was the Israelis or Muslim extremists, nor our own government. What I am saying is that the truth was not told to the American people and it is not fair to the victims or their families that we do not know the truth of what happened that day. Obama made promises to hold people accountable and like Bush he forgot that when he took the oath of office. Bush promised to get the people responsible, supposedly Al Qaeda. He forgot about them and went after Saddam because of another lie (WMD's) that has been exposed recently. It kinda makes you wonder if the whole thing was made up to justify going to war with Iraq.   If you remember Condoleeza Rice said that the government had information connecting Al Qaeda to the attacks on 9/11 and would reveal them at a later date. I guess that day never came.

I have only scratched the surface on the lies we were told about 9/11. We have yet to hear the truth. We have heard only propaganda from the media. They try to label ANYONE who doubts the bullshit the government has told us as "crazy". This tactic is used constantly by FOX News, who reports opinion as "news". We seen CNN tell the truth then retract it only to tell a lie. We've watched our congress rush and pass the Patriot Act, which took our liberties and freedom, without reading a single page. We've watched the same congress volunteer our sons and daughters to go fight in their War, without sending their own children.

What I HATE is how the government is so nonchalant about the deaths that have occurred because of their lies. Why should Americans make sacrifices for their lies.  This is just another issue that should be raised when it comes time to vote. Election time is when the people should take action against these high paid liars. We've seen enough of the bullshit. We need to vote them all out. Democrats and Republicans, they both lied to us about 9/11.

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